A downloadable game for Windows

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A small project I developed to hone my skills in GameMaker Studio. In a playable state, but lacks much polish. Current features include a combo system, three varieties of powerup, three varieties of block, a "sprint" meter, XP/level system with randomized upgrade choices each level (and no level cap), randomly generated levels, endless levels, and 21 different backgrounds. No audio in the current version.

Further development of this title is TBD - but planned features going forward include a selection of different paddle "classes" to choose from, each with differently-shaped paddles - as well as more variety in the "enemy" blocks, and many more upgrade choices. And of course, music & sound effects!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

BreakoutRPG.zip - v0.001 Pre-Pre-Pre-Alpha 12 MB

Development log

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